Hacker School Day 23-24: Waiting to Submit a Patch to Go I found an issue with Go’s encoding/binary package that I’m waiting to hopefully have accepted.
Hacker School Day 21-22: Programming Pearls I looked at my old Go code, and wrote some new code to encode numbers in binary and solve Programming Pearls questions.
Hacker School Day 19-20: Traveling and New Ideas I spent a lot of Friday wondering about how to use my time left at Hacker School efficiently.
Hacker School Day 18: Cropping, Letterboxing, Aspect Ratios, Terrible GIFs I fought cropping and letterboxing in the pursuit of the perfect cropped gif.
Hacker School Day 17: APIs and READMEs I spent a lot of time chasing a problem I had solved before and forgot. Learned some fun stuff about YouTube.