Hacker School Day 43 – Everything else from last week Matt Might was a resident, I paired with Chase, I played with hashtables, and started working on Ludum Dare this week.
Hacker School Day 40 – Making pstree Faster/Ugly – Globbing The final optimization for the pstree clone was to replace file globbing with readdir and a custom isInt function.
Hacker School Day 40 – Making pstree Faster/Ugly – Reading Files I changed from using ioutil’s ReadAll, over to bufio’s ReadFrom, into os.File’s Read for more gross performance gains.
Hacker School Day 40 – Making pstree Faster/Ugly – No Regex I made my pstree clone faster by swapping the regex with string functions. I dived in kernel code for more ridiculous things.
Hacker School Day 40 – Making pstree Faster/Ugly I made my pstree clone faster at the sake of readability and it was just as fun as I hoped.